Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The most boring post ever.

Well, woke up at like 7 am today with a text message from some guy that's friggin in love with me, texts me all the time, calls me every day...but I can't say "fuck off," because he's actually really nice. But he has a girlfriend. So...but whatever, that's a total digression. I've been fasting today. It's only been two hours so far, I know, but...I still feel proud of myself. I told my mom, "I feel really nauseated...I think I ate too much fried food yesterday. I just ate totally different from how I usually eat." She nodded her head and agreed. So, I got that out of the way.
I don't have anything else interesting to say. :(

I'm feeling a bit weak. It's so retarded, but I want some eggs. My brain keeps trying to justify it by saying "Well eggs are healthy! Bleh! And you didn't gain any weight so you don't really need to be fasting!"
But I'm not going to do it. I'm going to continue my fast. It's not even that difficult. *rolls eyes* I'm only fasting for one day. My body just isn't used to it, I guess. I'm going to stay strong, though. I've fasted before. I can do it again.
I didn't used to think fasting was such a good idea, but I read a lot of articles online discussing the benefits of occasional fasting, and I have to say, it makes sense. And I already feel better. (The key word here being OCCASIONAL.)

Goal weight by tomorrow- 151.5. Anything less than 152, honestly.

Even LATER...
Well, awesome. My mom took me out to a restaurant after my doctors appointment. It's not like she PURPOSEFULLY did it, but you know- it's really annoying when I'm supposed to be fasting. Even after I told her I felt nauseated, she still expected me to eat. So, I'm sitting there, scooping the cheese out of my tortilla soup (The only thing on the menu NOT fried) and my mother says "Alright, I think you're getting a little weird about your eating." Uh...what? Even somebody who ISN'T trying to fast would be disgusted by the amount of cheese they poured into that bowl of soup. I'm not kidding you, there was like half a cup of cheese in there. I do not want to feel like I'm eating spaghetti because of the sheer amount of melted cheese. But, whatever. I don't want to alarm my mother with my apparently "weird" eating. I just ate around the cheese. Well, as though that wasn't enough, my brother is visiting, and they expect me to eat dinner. Alright, fine, fair enough. My brother is visiting. I just wish they wouldn't involve food in EVERYTHING. It's like, it's not a celebration unless everybody EATS!
Sigh...Well, my calorie total today equals about the same as it does when I'm NOT fasting, so all of my hard work and self control was sort of for naught. But, I had an idea- since I was fasting for the entire day until approximately 3:00 pm, can't I fast for half of the day, tomorrow, too? And just eat one meal a day for awhile? Of course, I'll have to limit that meals total down to about 300 calories, but it's a thought- and not forever, as that's totally unhealthy, but maybe that way I can still get some of the benefits of fasting and still not raise my mom's suspicions too much? (This isn't a very groundbreaking idea, I'm aware, but it was to me- it never occurred to me that I can just fast for part of the day. I figured, all or nothing.)
I'm pretty happy about my "relevation," and I think I'll be doing that for a few days. Some how, I feel better.
And I'm hoping that, despite my fasting failure, my weight tomorrow will still have dropped. Is that too much to hope for, you think?

(Oh and- I'll be able to exercise in one week! Wooooten. :3)

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